Readmission | R. Kelly “Ignition (Remix)” Parody |

This R&B parody anthem is clinically proven to lower readmission rates. But it’s R. Kelly, so please don’t ask for a “p” value.

Lyrics and performance by ZDoggMD. Visit for more! And download the track here:

Devin Moore did the audio engineering and played our patient/DJ. Our video production crew was Variables of Light, check ’em:

And eternal gratitude to the amazing residents of the University of Nevada for forming the best R&B medical crew a parody rapper could want: Randhi M Wijekularatne, Sarah Shewayish, Lorena Zepeda, Hamayon Babary, Kevin Mailland, and Karam A Batieha. Also, mad luv to Jenna Fox from Turntable Health.

Special thanks to our favorite ICU doc, Dr. Hide Shigemitsu, for rocking the video and organizing the extras!

ZDoggMD performs live and speaks on healthcare innovation and culture internationally. Shoot booking inquiries to zdoggmd (at) gmail (dot) com!

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