EHR State of Mind | #LetDoctorsBeDoctors |
EHR's suck. Let's make 'em better. Go to and tell the IT and government folks what's up. And check out for lyrics, behind-the-scenes dopeness, and all our other videos. Please SHARE...or the machines win.
The legendary Devin Moore of Rabbit! produced and engineered the track and sang the most amazing Alicia KeysBoard rendition that was still street legal in the state of Nevada.
Tom Hinueber and Logan Stewart of Variables of Light absolutely KILLED it on the video production, as per routine (see also Bad Skin and Readmission). Check them out here:
Lyrics and rap by Jay-ZDogg, with an assist from FB fans Sarah Ann Henderson, Elizabeth Murray, and Cristy Miles with many others providing inspiration.
The real medical peeps appearing in the video:
Attendings: Dr. Dave Hart, Dr. Michael Blackstone, Dr. Christine Estrada, Dr. Hide Shigemitsu
Residents: David Cotter, Keith Ebilane, Casey Muir, Iris Nagamine, Dulip Ratnasoma, Phil Ribeiro, Usama Siddiqui, Thomas Tsai
Pharmacy: Russell Kirkham PharmD, a recent graduate of Roseman University in Vegas.
Photo credits (submitted by fans on FB): Amanda Curtsinger, Monica Tran, Holly Leider, Amy Goodman-Rivas, Jessica Bechtel, Stacey Gallamore-Horstman, Stacy Robinson, Christine Estrada, Athenahealth
Special Thanks to Dr. Bob Wachter for sharing with me the EHR chapter from his new book, The Digital Doctor.
Watch it in 4K to experience the full glory of the ICD-10 computer apocalypse SMACKDOWN!
EHR State of Mind | #LetDoctorsBeDoctors |
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