Drugs for Heart Failure

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Ninja Nerds!
In this lecture Professor Zach Murphy will be presenting on Drugs for Heart Failure. During this lecture we will begin by discussing the pathophysiology of heart failure. After we have provided a solid foundation to build upon, we will move into the various categories of drugs used to treat heart failure. These will include Beta Blockers, RAAS Inhibitors, Angiotensin Receptor-Neprilysin Inhibitors (ARNI’s), Direct Vasodilators, Diuretics, Ivabradine, and Positive Inotropic Agents. We will then review the NYHA Chronic Heart Failure Management Classification and how we manage Acute Heart Failure. As always, at the conclusion of this lecture we will have 10 practice problems to help you truly master this important topic. We hope you enjoy this lecture and be sure to support us below!

Table of Contents:
0:00 Lab
0:07 Drugs for Heart Failure Introduction
0:45 Pathophysiology of Heart Failure
32:41 Beta Blockers
43:10 RAAS Inhibitors
57:00 Angiotensin Receptor-Neprilysin Inhibitors (ARNI’s)
1:07:51 Direct Vasodilators
1:17:26 Diuretics
1:27:41 Ivabradine
1:41:19 Positive Inotropic Agents
2:08:53 NYHA Chronic Heart Failure Management
2:17:57 Acute Heart Failure Management
2:41:54 Drugs for Heart Failure Practice Problems
2:51:50 Comment, Like, SUBSCRIBE!

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Pharmacology Source:
Whalen, Karen. Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology (Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Series). Wolters Kluwer Health. Kindle Edition.


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#ninjanerd #heartfailure #chf

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