CURB-65 Score – Respiratory Medicine | Medical Education Videos

What is the CURB-65 score for a 72 year old man presenting tot he A+E department with pneumonia, confusion, diastolic blood pressure of 72 mmHg, a respiratory rate of 28 and a urea of 12.5 mmol /L? You will be able to answer this question after watching the video about the CURB-65 score.

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Your lecturer is Professor Jeremy Brown, which is a clinician scientist with an interest in respiratory infection. He studied medicine in London, graduating with honors, and completed his PhD in molecular microbiology in 1999. Browns research is mainly focused on respiratory complications of haematological disease and stem cell transplantation.

The video “CURB-65 Score” is part of the lecture “URTI, Bronchitis and Pneumonia” of the online medical course “Respiratory Medicine: Advanced”. It gives you an excellent insight into five features and the importance of the CURB-65 score.

You will learn more about:

• Five core features of the CURB-65 score
– Confusion
– Urea higher than 7 mmol
– Respiratory rate higher than 30 / min
– BP lower than 60 mmHg diastolic
– Age higher than 65 years
• Importance of the different scores
• Assessing severity: other worrying features
• Real life examples of CURB-65 score

Now it’s your turn! Watch the video and find out the correct answer to the following question:

What is the CURB-65 score for a 72 year old man presenting to the A+E department with pneumonia, confusion, diastolic blood pressure of 72 mmHg, a respiratory rate of 28 and a urea of 12.5 mmol /L?

A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Two

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