Nasogastric Tube Insertion – NG Tube!!
Hello guys!
Thank you so much for watching this video!
I wanted to do this really quick video just to familiarize you with some equipment & a procedure that we do as nurses!!
When I first started as a nurse, I was terrified of this procedure, but just knowing the equipment & needed supplies helped me a lot.
I have come to love the relief that our patients can have from having this inserted & relieving the pressure from their abdomen.
I do have to say, I did not have the best supplies to create this video, but I still think that the tips from this video will help you out a lot as you go through nursing school or work on your own job 🙂
If you did indeed like this video, please let me know by giving it a “thumbs up” & posting a comment to let me know!!
I really look forward to hearing from you soon!
With much Love,
– Caroline

Thank you: Life Medical Equipment for making this video possible!!!

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Please note that the views, ideas & opinions expressed on this channel and in the videos on this channel are not necessarily of those of my employer or institution. The views expressed on this channel and in the videos channel do not represent medical advice. If you have specific medical concerns, please contact your physician. In order to protect patient privacy, all patient identifiers in all videos have been deleted or altered.
The views expressed on this channel and in the videos on this channel are personal opinions. I am not an expert nor do I dispense medical advice or procedural specifications. The information I present is for general knowledge and entertainment purposes only. You need to refer to your own medical director, teachers and protocols for specific treatment information. It is your responsibility to know how best to treat your patient in your jurisdiction.

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